By Jamie Douglas
We now have had 3 presidents in the Unites States that, admit it or not, have partaken in various drug consumption. Bill Clinton would have never been elected had it not been for the fact that the compassionate Marijuana Medical use was on many ballots in the states, getting the vote out, which gave him the winning edge in California.
Most of us probably remember his infamous statement, that he tried cannabis, but did not inhale. He did nothing to stop Reagan’s misguided war on drugs, if anything he made it worse. Then came Bush the younger, who was a confirmed alcoholic and mass consumer of cocaine as well as abusing prescription pills. But he prayed himself well, and started two disastrous wars which have cost untold lives and misery. He increased spending for the war on drugs as well, while the Afghani poppy fields yielded the highest production on record. We’ve got too be kind to those warlords that are helping us, you know, that Northern Alliance.
And now we have the great white hope, Barack Obama, who openly admitted that he smoked “quite a bit” of weed and consumed his share of cocaine. He even appointed an attorney general who admitted to having smoked marijuana, so it was with great relief that some of us assumed that the war on drugs would finally follow the advice of the members of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, and legalize weed. NO! To the disappointment of all of us hopeful for the change he promised, he lied about every change. We still have Guantanamo, we left a horrendous mess behind in Iraq, exiting Viet Nam style and immediately after receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, he ordered that infamous build up of 50,000 troops in Afghanistan, obviously to protect the Opium trade (just my opinion, but after what I witnessed in Central America I feel qualified to make that assessment).
But since he took office in January of 2009, he has waffled and heed and hawed about the issue of medicinal marijuana in the states where it is legal to dispense the herb to those suffering from a variety of diseases, including side effect from cancer treatment. But regardless of State Laws, The Drug Enforcement Administration and other misguided federal law Enforcement Authorities continue to waste valuable resources which could be used in busting Meth Labs and the importation of Heroin. Just on Monday, April 2, 2012, Obama’s war on medicinal marijuana raided another facility, one which was to bring civility to the medical use of Marihuana. This took place in California of course, where State law is always trumped by Federal goons, wearing Jackboots, camouflage and the latest in urban assault weapons.
This is not just an issue about weed. It is the age old issue about State’s Rights. Marijuana like masturbation is essentially a victimless crime. If only the Feds would form strike forces to go after the wankers sitting at 200 West Street in New York, the Goldman Sachs people, as well as the Bank of America folks, Countrywide’s Lizard Frère, Angelo Mozillo. These people are the ones which have wrought have to the USA, not those who are trying to bring relief to the suffering. And of course, like the old Reagan trickle down economy, the war on drugs also has a trickledown effect. In Mexico alone more people have been killed than the USA lost in the Vietnam War. Had the nation’s drug policies not be so skewered from the outset, the treasury would have saved hundreds of billions of dollars. And our prisons, now mostly privately run for profit, would not hold the largest amount of prisoners anywhere in the world.
Mr. Obama, you promised us change. You delivered lies and more lies. You deceived your volunteers and all those of us that worked so hard to get you elected. And it’s not just about the weed. It is about almost every promise you made. Do you have an “Etch-a-Sketch” yet? If not, perhaps I should send you one! I urge all my readers to send him one because surely his numerous one are worn out.
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