By Jamie Douglas
Well so far so good. The socialists were elected in France. The Greek coalition is falling apart. Hell rages in Syria. A blind guy gets on an airplane for Newark from China (good thing he is blind). The inevitable first major air disaster in a record amount of time takes place in Pakistan. The birthers are rearing their ugly racist heads again. The entire Euro Zone is in chaos. The haves want to kick the Greeks out. So there is a precedent for when it comes to Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Italy.
In the USA it seems they have finally found the least common denominator to run against Obama: the guy with the most money. Rupert Murdoch and Roger Aisles are getting ready for their story of the year, joining with Carl Rove to manipulate the presidential elections. Already there are rumors that Obama is gay, since he had poetry classes with a decidedly feminine overtone. Yeah, I know his wife has a big ass, but at least she is trying to help others.
On the other hand, the drunken coke snorting big mouth barfly, Andrew Breitbart, managed to drop dead after one of his bar-based tirades. We now only need for Hugo Chavez, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, the Castro brothers, various despots and corrupt leaders in the rest of the world to follow his lead, and I may actually believe in a Super Being.
Meanwhile Iran, Syria, Israel, most of Africa and a good portion of Asia continue to suffer from a dearth of freedom and democracy. If Syria was Libya, western forces would have been there a long time ago, to protect their God given natural resource, crude oil. But there is not that much there, and most of it goes to the ....stans.
No good pissing them off, as we still need them for logistical support for the other war in Afghanistan.
Back to the United States’ upcoming election mess. There is already one very slimy gambling billionaire, Sheldon Adelson, who spent millions to get his favorite scumbag, Newt Gingrich, nominated. But the people went with the guy who already has it all, the cultist from Michussets.
Poor old Grampa Ron Paul and his (many of you will disagree with me here) return to the gold standard. Please look it up yourself: Total monetary supply divided by the gold available and we are all broke, unless you are willing to accept pennies on the dollar in gold. Don’t get me wrong. He is a sweet old man who has stood up for his principles for many years now. Then he names his son “Rand,” after a slutty communist/socialist educated wingnut. Nowhere in her literature do we get glowing descriptions of hourly workers who actually make it big. It is always the big wheel architects fighting big government, and the hell with the workers. There are plenty more where they came from.
Then there is the big fright about François Hollande, the new and SOCIALIST president of France. Only in the USA has the definition of “socialist” been drilled into people’s heads with Pinktertons’ violence, the Committee on Un-American Activities, the big red witch-hunt etc., where anything that could be equated with socialism was communism. Governments come, governments go, and currently South America is experiencing some leadership that, on the backs of the poor people, want to bring about socialism. Note to Wannabe Socialists like Evo Morales: Before you can distribute the wealth, you have to have it, and that does not necessarily start out by buying a US$ 40 million private jet, a top of the line Falcon 900EX by the French manufacturer Dassault.
Top of the list of imbeciles in Latin America must be the earlier mentioned Empress Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, who just flew across the South Atlantic to Angola to assure her equally wondrous counterpart to keep the South Atlantic a weapons-free zone, therefore mothballing the entire Argentine armed forces while asking for Angolan oil, which has been sold out for the next seven years. She also neglected to ask Brazil and Uruguay about that. While along with all the nations on the eastern side of the Atlantic, Argentina slips further into inflation and recession, her majesty’s customs department is letting imported fruits, vegetables, medicines and anything else you can think of rot in containers in the sun. It was reported today that she is suffering from yet another “nervous breakdown,” which will keep her in bed for 3 days.
Meanwhile, her partners in government are getting ready to allow her to be president for life, and if not, then her son, the leader of Campora, Maximilian Kirchner. But at the rate the Kirchners are messing the economy up it will take a miracle for them to be elected again (Todo es possible en Argentina). Meanwhile her vice president was finally indicted for “Illegal Enrichment,” or corruption, to the rest of us. No different than the Kirchners who entered public service and are now billionaires. (Real Estate of course)
At least in Brazil, President Dilma Rousseff has been cleaning house, getting rid of so far about 10 ministers, all left over from the ever so popular Lula da Silva. Meanwhile she quietly slipped into the pockets of the major timber and mining interests along with those of the giant hydroelectric dam being built and Amazonia.
Well as always, the whole world is a mess.
So to those of you contemplating expatriating, stay home where you friends are and people speak English. There are no tax savings to be had unless you want to deal with crooks. It is not safer in Colombia, Panama, Ecuador, Costa Rica or Parador. Move to Montana, Idaho or Vermont. It is nicer there and if you feel like it, go to Panama or Colombia for a few months. You will be glad when you come back to a place without the bugs and welts.
Jamie Douglas
On The Road Somewhere in the Americas (heading to Igauaçu Falls next)
We are hitting the road again!
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